Adventure Financing


So as inexpensive as being here is, it still costs money. My plan was to stay 6 months and scope it out to see if it’s feasable for the whole family to live here or not. There are 3 ways to come to Mexico. As a tourist, you can enter and stay for 180 days. At any time during this period, you can visit a local immigration office and apply for an additional 180 day extension. If you choose to stay longer, you must apply to get a non-permanant resident visa. For those of us in the north, this means a trip to Ottawa to apply and be interviewed. Canadians are a special breed of people.

It is tempting for some Canadians and American citizens to go to the Mexican Consulate in Belize, which works for Americans,  but Canadians must have all their documents formally “legalized”  by a Mexican Consulate BACK in CANADA – because Canada is special and refused to sign the Hague Convention. …*see original source here.

In addition, you must prove you have a monthly income of $1642.52 CDN to qualify. Other qualifiers include retirement pensions and you must prove a bank balance of $27,777.777/month for the previous 12 months.

As mentioned in my Reality post, a foreigner cannot just walk into a business and apply for work. Like most countries, Mexico will only hire foreign workers if they have a skill or trade that is in high demand and are unable to meet that demand by local workers.

This scoping out adventure I am on may or may not become more permanent, so I chose to come here on my tourist visa only. If I were to seek employment here, I would need a letter of employment offer on official letterhead from the business, and would have to apply for this special work visa when I apply for my non-permanent residency.

In the event someone just wants to stay here forever (and I totally get that some days), you must apply to become a permanent resident after 4 years of being a non-permanent resident.

So where does this leave me? In Mexico, after leaving a job and co-workers I adored in Nova Scotia, to pursue my love of writing, my love of sunshine, and my love of helping others. Obviously I needed to finance this trip somehow and still have a monthly income that will pay my Mexican bills. Having a husband at home in Canada handling things there, is a huge relief. We would never consider leaving as a family unless finances were strong and debt was minimal. Although I could easily live here and plow through our savings or rely on my husband to look after the bills, I wanted to be self sufficient.

Last winter I started studying for my TEFL certificate. I was very frugal and found a wonderful 150 Hour Master course that was available online for about $40 USD. Study Online

This was like stepping back into school with past perfect participles and adjectives and CVCs and verbs, pronouns… was a little overwhelming at first. It also taught me about using using body language to teach, how to create exciting lesson plans and to be very patient with learners. I completed my course and obtained my certificate in August 2015. I was ready to teach English!

I immediately started searching for online positions as I knew it was work I could take with me. I happened upon several companies in China and Vietnam who had positions open for teachers. I was interviewed and hired and started working in December.

I cannot tell you how amazing it is to teach these children. They are so wonderful to work with and the company I work for, VIPKIDS is amazing. My classroom is my computer screen. I use a headset to work with the student. We see the same screen and sing and laugh and learn together. My classes are only 25 minutes long and I must be available for 15 classes a week during peak times. Peak times are of course, 6pm – 10 or 11 pm Beijing time, which is 13 hours ahead of Cancun.The pay is determined by your practicum score and they pay in USD by a money transfer to your bank account. If you would like to teach like I do, and you have a Bachelors degree or Associates degree in child studies plus your TEFL certificate, please click here to apply.


Teaching online pays my bills in Mexico and where it is a non-Mexican company I do not require a work visa to do it from here – or anywhere in the world for that matter!

My love of teaching is growing so much. I was also fortunate to find an ad on Craigslist close to Christmas looking for english speaking teachers in Cancun to volunteer teaching children at a local church. I replied and soon struck up an online friendship with the man heading up the program. On a side note, it was flukey and maybe a bit weird – but we discovered just before I moved down here that we were going to be living in the SAME BUILDING!! We chuckle now – we are where we are by no fluke.


Not long after arriving here I was also contacted by a woman I met, who teaches at a small private school on the other side of the city. She asked if I would be interested in teaching there one day a week. I agreed and I teach phonics to children in pre-kindergarten up to grade 6. I absolutely love it there. The kids hug me and thank me everytime and work so hard on using proper pronunciation. The best lesson yet was showing the difference in using a long u sound and a short u sound in the word “puppy”.


I am working with children, teaching, and earning enough to pay my rent and buy groceries in Cancun, and my work day is usually finished by 8:30am. I am so blessed that this allows me to volunteer at the church and school. At home my work day was so long and by evening I didn’t want to move off the sofa. I missed volunteering so this is very rewarding being able to volunteer again.


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